31 things you can do to make your bus ride better

Number 13 will change everything

G Sidharta
2 min readFeb 12, 2017
Don’t be a Bus Wanker

1.Bring something to read. Preferably something comically large, like a stone tablet from the biblical era.

2.DO make eye contact with the people sitting across you. Maintain it. Don’t blink.

3.Bring a suspicious-looking metallic suitcase with you. Put it on the floor. Exit vehicle.

4.Listen to music. And dance accordingly to the momentum of the bus.

5.Open Tinder.

6.Consult the person next to you whether you should swipe left or right.

But not if the person sitting next to you is your mum.

7.Swipe left anyway.

8.Tell the person next to you that he/she is more attractive than the one on Tinder.

9.Ask for his/her number.

10.Write a piece about why you should fuck a guy who rides the bus and show it to that person.

11.Purposely be late so you can add suspense by running after your bus.

12.Run Forest, run!

13.Run so fast, you break the space-time continuum.

14.Arrive at an alternate reality.

15.Find out that Donald Trump is the tyrannical Supreme Emperor of Earth in this reality.

16.Get involved with the underground rebel alliance.

17.Inspire them of winning the war with your meta-human ability of Superspeed.

18.Lead the final battle against Emperor Trump, go toe to toe with him.

19.Find out that Emperor Trump is actually a robot powered by a high-tech, solar-absorbing wig.

20.Burn the wig, see the robot fails and with it, the world is FREE FROM EVIL AT LONG LAST !

21.Kiss the princess.

22.Ew dude she’s actually your sister !

23.Wake up.

24.Realise that all of it was a dream.

25.Go to work.

26.While you wait for the bus, contemplate why did you dream of kissing your sister.

27.Miss the bus.

28.Go back to step 12.


30.Realise that you’re late.

31.Get an Uber instead.



G Sidharta
G Sidharta

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