Heartbreak is a path to the dark side
Why you should get your heart broken, anyway
Heartbreak leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.. Then you will embrace the dark side. You will feel like shit. But life is learned through experience, and heartbreak is that 4th grade teacher who ruined the happy days of your childhood but you will thank later in life.
Yes it sucks. I’ve been there. You will want to cry your eyes out. Scream your heart out. Run your lungs out. Start a fight. Burn some shit. Destroy a sumbitch with a baseball bat.
But it’s normal. That might be the only time in life that people close to you will understand if you want to do those.. out of the norm stuff. Then when the initial storm of negative emotion has passed, you will want to do something else. You will want to drink. Eat. Travel. Try out new things. Bone some strange from Tinder. Take a day off work. Or a week.
And that’s good. That means you are dealing with your heartbreak. You are fighting an uphill battle with your inner demons, and while it feels like you take a lot of beating, I promise you, you are winning.
And as you run closer to that finish line, you will get stronger. You will know yourself better. You will see things in new light. You will stop asking why. You will find peace, and happiness. And it is within you all along.
And as soon as you enjoy that blissful joy, you will start to fall in love again, with yourself.
Heartbreak is a path to the dark side, but you will conquer your darkness and bring balance back to the Force. Heartbreak is a fucking bitch, but there’s nothing like moving on, rediscovering yourself and fall in love with that person.
Heartbreak is a nightmare, but one day you will wake up, and you will be a dreamer once more.
And here’s to the dreamers.