A Short Story
“Babe ! Stop !” She yelled as I took her picture with her polaroid camera. “Gimme back my camera !” as she tried to wrestle the camera out of my hand.
“No ! Shut up, you look cute.” I said, laughing, while shaking the photo with one hand, playfully fighting her off with the other.
“Ugh. You’re such an asshole.” She gave up, and sat back on our hotel bed.
“An asshole that you love very very much.” I said, grinning, and I kiss her cheek. “Look, babe, you look very cute here. I’m gonna show this to our grandchildren someday.”
She hit my arm with a pillow, “Ha ha very funny. Stop messing around, we have to wake up early tomorrow, they said the tour bus would go at 7, sharp.”
“Yes, ma’am!” I put the photo inside my wallet, and climbed onto the bed.
“I love you” I kissed her good night.
“I love you more !” She said, smiling.
“Mr. Walker ? Can you hear me ? How are you feeling ?” I was woken up. After remembering where I actually am, I nod my head yes. The nurse removed the helmet off my head.
“The simulation is finished. Are you feeling alright ? It is normal to feel a little disorientation, we have some Aspirin here if you need it.” Said the nurse. I told her that I am alright, and I just need a minute to regain myself.
“Alright then Mr. Walker. I will leave you here, and please help yourself with the beverages. Dr. Brooker will be with you shortly.”
“Okay. Thanks so much.” I told her. Then I stood up and moved around the room to regain focus.
I was making myself a cup of coffee using the espresso machine when Dr. Brooker knocked the door and came in. “Good afternoon, Mr. Walker. So how was the simulation ?” He asked. I told him it was very lifelike, I felt like I was actually there, but it was a ride or something, I could only went along with it without doing anything, much like watching a VR film.
“Yes. Our simulation is based on your memory, and we project them into your mind, so your body was actually feeling the sensation you felt when the events of said memory was happening.”
Then he asked me. “Regarding your memory alteration procedure, have you make your decision ?”
“If I do this, I will be able to forget about her ?”
“No, Mr. Walker. We do not erase your memory; we alter it. You will not forget about your former partner, but you will remember her differently. In most cases like this, our clients usually ask so they will remember their former partner to be a friend or an acquaintance. We will alter your memory based on how you choose to remember the subject. For example, if you choose to remember your former partner as a platonic friend, then the memory of your trip together, the one we used for your simulation before, will be altered to be a trip with a group of friends.”
“Okay so, how about my feelings for her then ?”
“Feelings are brain chemicals. And it is related with the human memory. As we alter memory of a former partner into a platonic friend, our experience proved that the client will also feel differently towards the subject after the procedure. And you won’t even remember the procedure. We will also alter your memory that when you wake up, you will remember visiting this clinic for dental care.”
I got out my wallet, and I pull out that photo of her from that trip 2 years ago. I was staring at it, thinking if I should go through with it, then Dr. Brooker broke silence.
“Mr. Walker?”
I take a final look of the picture, and I answer him “No. I will not go with the procedure. I will deal with my memories and feelings naturally.”
“Are you sure ? In our first session you said you have been dealing with your situation for more than a year, in which you said and I quote ‘I don’t think I’m getting any better. I don’t know how to get over this. And this is getting unhealthy for me.’”
“Yes I did. But erasing or altering my memory like that, doesn’t feel right. Just do me a favor, Doc. Burn this photo for me.” I said as I put down the photo on his desk.
“Alright then, Mr. Walker. And personally speaking, I support your decision to deal with your situation naturally. This technology was invented to deal with serious trauma or to treat soldiers with PTSD, but more and more people are using it to find the easy way out from their personal problems.”
We shook hands, and I leave the room. I nodded my head thank you to the nurse as I passed her on the hallway. I was feeling good about myself, this thing I’m dealing with is hard, but I think I am slowly getting better.
Then I heard that familiar voice as I was reaching for the exit door.
“Liam ! Hey ! Long time no see !”
“..Amanda ?” It was the first time I saw her since.. Forever.
“Funny running into you here. I didn’t know you go to the dentist here. How are you ?”
“Dentist ?” I was startled.
“Well we’re in a dental clinic now.. Hello ? Earth To Liam ?”
“Oh, yeah. Right.”
“Well anyway, I was just thinking about the trip that we had with the guys. Been a long time since we got together. Maybe we all should get some drinks or something sometimes, maybe arrange another trip ?” She said jubilantly.
I was about to answer her, when her phone rang. She takes a glance at it, and said, “Well anyway, I have to go, my fiancé is waiting outside with the car. It was nice to see you, old friend !”