Virtual Neuron Connection
A short story
It’s a bright Saturday afternoon, Jason is lying on his bed, watching funny videos on YouTube, enjoying a lazy time on his own when his phone vibrates. A message came, it’s from Emma, his girlfriend for 2 years in which they are in a long-distance relationship in the last 7 months.
I’m home J. Skype in 15 minutes ? I miss you boo
Jason replied her message, and turn on his Skype. Then he immediately switch his status into ‘Do Not Disturb’ as he doesn’t want anyone to interfere with the little quality time that he has with his girlfriend. As he waited for her, his heart races just a little bit, like a little boy before talking to his crush. Even though they are apart, they still manage to keep their fire burning.
Not long, Emma came online.
“Hey M, can you hear and see me fine ?” Said Jason as he adjusted his camera on his laptop.
“Of course, babe, I can always see and hear you, with my heart.”
“Okay can you stop being so adorable for a second ? You know it only makes me miss you more, and it’s slowly killing me.”
“I know, I building you up so you’ll give me the biggest hug and kiss when you come home in 2 months.” Emma said, grinning.
“Even without you asking, I will give you that, and more !” Answered Jason, laughing. “So babe, why are you home early ? I thought Cindy’s thing won’t be finished until a least a couple of hours ?”
“Oh yeah, it was getting too much crowded, boo. I thought it was only gonna be us girls, but she invited some people from her work and college too. So I told her I had to go to a family birthday, and bailed. Plus, it’s Saturdaay.. It’s time for our Skypedate, if I can get more time for this, you know I will.”
Then they continue talking about Cindy’s party and their friends, about Emma’s week, about Jason’s week and how his classes and assignment for his Master’s Degree are coming along. Then Jason told Emma the story about how he almost accidentally walked in on his flatmate having shower sex.
“But I did knock ! Maybe they didn’t hear it because of the water, and you know, being very in the moment.” Jason tried to defend himself.
Emma asked, “Well you said the door was closed, why couldn’t you wait until they.. finish ?”
“No babe, it’s our flat thing. If we need something from the bathroom while someone’s using it, we just knock, enter and grab whatever we need, and close the door again. We’ve been doing it for months, and it was the first time something like this ever happened.” Jason said, chuckling. Then he paused.
“Well anyway.. Speaking of shower sex.. “
“What ? Oooh. I know. You wanna do it too, don’t you” Said Emma.
“You know me so well, babe.” Said Jason, grinning. “But, you wanna try that thing I sent you maybe ? It’s been weeks since you receive it, and we never tried it yet.”
“Umm.. Yeah okay. I’ve read another review of it, and maybe it’ll spice things up a little bit. But I’m not really sure how to use it, boo.”
Then Jason explained the thing is basically a digital sexual intercourse device. A pair of headgear, a vibrator and a fleshlight. The users can stimulate the gadgets, which connects to each other headgear, which sends signals of touch sensation to the brain.
“So, like if I touch this fleshlight here, your headgear will send your brain a signal, as if I am touching you. You will feel like I am touching you. And if I put my junk into this, well you will feel the sensation of me being inside you. Same goes with the vibrator. I will feel whatever you do with it. So don’t try being funny and biting it.”
“Wow all that scientific explanation really turns me on. You really know how to get a girl in the mood. How lucky am I.” Emma said nonchalantly.
“You know what, let’s just try and put it on these headgear first, and we’ll go from there, okay ?” Asked Jason, and Emma agreed. They put the adjustable plastic headband and visor on their head, turn on the devices, and connects them to the app.
“You ready, babe ?” Emma nodded. “Okay, so do you feel this ?” Jason touched and rubs the fleshlight gently.
Emma was shocked, and lets out a little scream “That tickles, boo!”
Jason smiled slyly, “Oh you like that ? How about if I do this then ?” He rubs the thing on his table faster and a little more aggressively, while he takes off his pants.
His girlfriend is getting aroused, she takes short and shallow breath. She grabs her end of the device, and start playing with it. Jason is getting more and more excited, and Emma slowly undressing herself, while still playing with her toy. As breath turns into moans, Jason thrusts himself into his device.
Emma screams.
“Oh my god.. Boo.. That was.. Something.. “ Said Emma, trying to catch her breath.
“I know.. I didn’t expect this to be.. So.. Well not real. But.. You know.” Then Jason noticed a sad look on his girl’s face. “Hey, what’s wrong babe ?”
“Nothing.. I like this stuff, and I think we should use it every time we do it, “ Said Emma, chuckling. “But.. It also made me miss you more ! It’s like we just had a great orgasm, but not a great sex, you know ? I cannot hold and kiss you. I cannot cuddle and hold you after. This doesn’t do anything with the intimacy.”
“Yeah you’re right, babe.. I feel the same way.. But this a good variation, right ? We can try new things together, even though we’re apart. “ Said Jason. “But you’re right, I miss you even more right now..”
“2 months, boo. 61 days and we can finally meet. Let’s not use this too much, so it won’t ruin our expectation when we’re finally together again. “Said Emma, laughing. “I’m gonna go clean up a little bit, you should too.”
“Haha no, babe. No matter how great this thing is, it won’t replace the real thing. Okay I’m gonna go too, be back in a sec. I love you, babe.”
“I miss you, but I love you more.”
Meanwhile, somewhere on the darknet..